Household net worth rose to about 4.90 times disposable personal income in the fourth quarter from a third-quarter level of about 4.89 times income.
But not every geek (or regular person with an interest in cool tech gadgets) is a high-net-worth early adopter with plenty of disposable income to spend.
Traditionally, securities law has restricted venture investing to "accredited investors," meaning those who are high net worth or high income.
Does not open the door to lower net worth or lower income individuals investing online.
In other words, the higher one's income, the higher one's net worth is expected to be, assuming one is working and not retired.
Blacks are less likely to graduate from college than whites with the same family income, but the gap disappears if you compare families with the same income and net worth.
Even so, the ratio of net worth to income is still equal to the average of the past 50 years.
All you have to do is plug in your household income or household net worth and click the "rank me" button.
All you have to do is plug in your household income or household net worth and click the "rank me" button.