However, if the "click" of an opening door is part of an ominous action such as a burglary, the sound mixer may call attention to the "click" with an increase in volume.
Which (substances) dissolve with increase in volume.
Set your morning alarm to slowly increase in volume and wake you up gently.
The increase in volume during elongation is accompanied by a vacuolation of the cell.
The algorithm responded to the increase in volume by unloading the contracts faster, pushing prices down further (see chart).
The higher rate of growth in this market, when compared to the other industry segments, is attributed to both an increase in volume and sales of higher value systems.
That new market showed a 10-fold increase in volume, rising from 71 million tons of carbon dioxide traded in 2008 to 765 million tons in 2009, worth a total $2.5 billion.
In fact, the global air conditioning systems market staged a remarkable recovery in 2010, with sharp increase in volume sales for both room ac systems and packaged ac systems.
Head circumference is an indicator of brain volume, so a greater increase in head circumference in a newly-born baby suggests more rapid brain growth.
Under worst case scenarios, an average 20 percent increase in the volume of overflows is possible, and those overflows will last longer.
It is calculated as the percentage increase in output that is not accounted for by changes in the volume of inputs of capital and Labour.
It is not merely the dizzying increase in the volume of information (the amount of data being stored doubles every 18 months). It is also the combination of omnipresence and fragmentation.
Owing to the large increase in the volume of our trade with this country we have decided to open a branch here, with Mr. Wang Lo as manager.
This, in turn, means clever engineering can increase the surface area (and thus the storage capacity) without increasing the volume.
Our computational approach allows us to increase the volume of data analyzed 100,000-fold and to perform the necessary analysis in a few hours rather than a few months.
Our computational approach allows us to increase the volume of data analyzed 100, 000-fold and to perform the necessary analysis in a few hours rather than a few months.
The bilateral trade volume in 2002 was an increase of 20 times compared with the years before 1980, when diplomatic ties were established.
During three weeks of usability testing in October, Project Masiluleke helped increase average daily-call volume to the National AIDS Helpline in Johannesburg by nearly 200 percent, said Pop!
10月份三周来的可用性测试中,Masiluleke计划促使约翰内斯堡国家艾滋病帮助热线每日电话总量增加了接近200%,Pop !
the village is thriving as new batches of athletes arrive daily. The chaos in the dining hall is a key indicator of the increase in athlete volume.
Wells Fargo, the nation's top agricultural business lender in total dollar volume, said demand prompted it to increase farm lending 12% from 2008 to 2009.
They also observed an increase in the volume of E-mail messages containing shortened URLs.
Yet clearly there is a problem. It is not merely the dizzying increase in the volume of information (the amount of data being stored doubles every 18 months).
However the report points out that a growing volume of research publications does not necessarily mean in increase in quality.
Don't be surprised if people tell you your skin is "glowing" when you are pregnant —pregnancy causes an increase in blood volume, which can make your cheeks a little pinker than usual.
Don't be surprised if people tell you your skin is "glowing" when you are pregnant - pregnancy causes an increase in blood volume, which can make your cheeks a little pinker than usual.
In 2010, small retailers that accept American Express saw a 28% sales volume increase over the day before on small Business Saturday, AmEx says.
Dealers could benefit from an increase in trading volume, offsetting tighter margins.
The rise in the total of those employed is governed by Parkinson's Law, and would be much the same whether the volume of the work were to increase, diminish or even disappear.
The digital marketing agency Zeta Interactive has measured a distinct increase in the buzz — recorded by the volume of Web-site and blog postings — surrounding discount retail sites.
The digital marketing agency Zeta Interactive has measured a distinct increase in the buzz — recorded by the volume of Web-site and blog postings — surrounding discount retail sites.