Then analyzes how to identify the requirements, reduce the cost and increase the explicit and tacit function of project.
The utility cost function is considered, which includes the increase of trip expense and trip time, reduction of comfort and decrease of convenience during the transfer.
The optimization of the ecological function makes the entropy generation rate of cycle decrease greatly and the thermal efficiency increase with the cost of a little decreasing of the power output.
Although the cost of raw materials and supply chain rose sharply, but the function of the integrated product EBIT (1) an increase over the same period last year.
In the papar, it changes its"buckle"structurt on the basis of common key switch, achieves automatic locking function and does not increase the cost.
The present proportional share method fails to take into account the notable differences of cost function in each district, leading to the increase of total environment cost in the river basin.
The main function is to greatly increase proportion of ingredient for rubber regeneration in tire, save resources and reduce cost.
The main function is to greatly increase proportion of ingredient for rubber regeneration in tire, save resources and reduce cost.