That the application of new technology can increase the productivity of existing coal mines is demonstrated by the case of Tribnia's coal industry.
Farmers are introducing innovations which increase the productivity.
"Our goal is to increase the productivity of financial advisors," said Jason.
If you want to increase the productivity of your team, then do these three things.
When we know it more, we can design the correct way to increase the productivity.
Four new spindle bearing series from FAG increase the productivity of machine tools.
Increase the productivity of software engineers by abstracting from low-level boilerplate code.
Make a list of situations in which your presence seems to increase the productivity of others.
The mobl language has a number of features that aim to increase the productivity of mobile developers.
Automatic control system is adopted to increase the productivity and maximum the beneficial result.
Filter press help paper making to increase the productivity, reduce energy consumption, reduce pollution.
Learning will make them satisfied with their job which in turn will increase the productivity of the individual and the team.
The characteristic of this process is able to increase the productivity, decrease energy cost and decrease equipment cost.
该新工艺特点是能提高产率 ,降低能耗 ,减少设备费用。
These products should then be balanced across picking zones to reduce congestion and further increase the productivity of the pickers.
A pan-European research project involving 35 partners has been launched increase the productivity of the semiconductor manufacturing process.
This program will help you make decisions that measurably improve your managerial effectiveness and increase the productivity of your sales team!
Organizational structure refers to the method that an organization arranges employee to increase the productivity and achieve the organization goals.
This paper describes how to increase the productivity effect of cutter-suction dredgers in the fields of cutting force, dredging pump, gauge pile and exhaust pipe.
Whereas some of these changes are intended mainly to increase the productivity of existing plants, completely new technologies for burning coal cleanly are also being developed.
The roadheader-borne temporary support is enabled to greatly increase the productivity of drift excavation, decrease hand labour for supporting, and ensure productive safety.
Since carbon dioxide enhances photosynthesis, some scientists have calculated that higher concentrations in the atmosphere would increase the productivity of crops and forests.
The principal focus of both projects is to equip the production facilities with powerful and reliable drives that will increase the productivity and availability of the rolling mills.
The fundamental goal of OOP in particular is to increase the productivity of programmers through code reuse (inheritance for example), and not to produce applications that are compact.
It is pointed out that the sound quality control measures can effectively ensure the stability of epoxy powder coating for hot-bending bend, increase the productivity and coating quality.
In order to eliminate the intensive labor of hand drawing and to increase the productivity of the drawing-in process in warp preparation, an automatic drawing-in machine has been designed.
According to the process measures taken to prevent from the defects, it can not only increase the productivity but also improve the product quality to choose reasonable process parameters.
'nap in the air' is a nerve-calming exercise provided by gyms. Gyms have hammocks for exercisers to take catnap during lunch time in order to increase the productivity of afternoon's work.
You should do whatever possible to increase the productivity of individual programmers in terms of the expressive power of the code they write. Less code to do the same thing (and possibly better).
Whereas some of these changes are evolutionary and are intended mainly to increase the productivity of existing plants, completely new technologies for burning coal cleanly are also being developed.
The increase in pay costs was more than offset by higher productivity.