It is mostly agricultural irrigation that is driving the increase, because it accounts for 70 to 80 percent of global groundwater usage.
Hunger and malnutrition have been found to increase both the incidence and the fatality rate of the conditions that cause up to 80 percent of maternal deaths.
However, 80 percent of the increase was due to higher gas prices, meaning that the risk of widespread inflation remains low.
The ondemand up_threshold is set to 80 by default, meaning that once the CPU utilization reaches above 80 percent, the governor will increase the frequency.
ondemand up _ threshold默认设置为80,表示一旦CUP利用率达到80%以上,ondemand调控器将提高频率。
The ondemand up_threshold is set to 80 by default, meaning that once the CPU utilization reaches above 80 percent, the governor will increase the frequency.
ondemand up _ threshold默认设置为80,表示一旦CUP利用率达到80%以上,ondemand调控器将提高频率。