Denmark insisted that its pork produces posed no risk whatsoever, since the time it took to ship them to USA exceeded the two-week incubation period for foot and mouth.
Mylyn has taken some time to find its home, having come through an incubation phase, through the Technology and then Tools projects, until it's final resting place at the top-level.
Whether the incubation period — the time it takes to develop symptoms after exposure to a mutated virus —differs from that for known influenza viruses, usually one to three days.
I personally do not believe that everyone has the right mindset, passion, discipline and capability to be involved in incubation all the time, context switching from day to day business goals.
The time from infection to illness, known as the incubation period, is about two days.
This fact keeps the idea session looser (no fear that evaluation is coming soon) and allows incubation time for more ideas and time for thinking about the ones suggested.
The incubation period is the time between exposure to the virus and people developing symptoms. The incubation period for this strain is not yet known.
The results show that the uptake of glucose was dependent on extracellular glucose concentration, incubation temperature and time.
Results Overlap syndrome had increased number of WASO (wake after sleep onset), fallen asleep the incubation period shorten, sleep apnea time was long, and the nocturnal hypoxemia was obvious.
Many breaks had been repaired during the perfusion incubation time.
The result indicated that the time of incubation was correlated with the SOD total activity, while the incubation rate was not.
With the extending of incubation time, they activated ACPase.
Under conditions of this experiment, the microviscosity of the platelet membrane decreased with increasing concentration of Maisaitong in the medium and the time of incubation.
With the varying temperature treatment, the mean incubation time of the fungus on the host I.
To select the optimal incubation time in the extent of required time, to stabilize the dose-response curve, our results were stable and reliable.
The activities of soil dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, urease and sucrase decreased with the time of incubation.
Conclusion When incubated with H2O2, the viability of precision-cut lung slices could be decreased as incubation time prolonged.
Results: The proliferation inhibitory rate of PDTC on A549 cells increased as incubation time and concentration increasing(P<0.05 or 0.01).
The animal does not appear ill during this time, which is called the incubation period and which may last for weeks to months.
Results N demethylation of aminocarb mediated by SLO was found to depend on the incubation time, concentration of the enzyme, concentration of aminocarb and hydrogen peroxide.
The incubation time also could affect LDL oxidation.
The incubation time for incipient precipitation is often a minute or more.
Based on the local damage hypothesis and utilizing similarity solutions, this paper presents a procedure for estimating the incubation time prior to the onset of creep crack growth.
Time plays an important role and two characteristic times have been identified: incubation and critical times.
Buried bag and incubation experiments were conducted to study mineralization process of organic phosphorus in black soil in Northeast China under different time sequences.
Conclusion the harvesting rate of ECs was increased by using in situ harvest method and the ideal incubation time was 25 min.
Shorter light incubation time always causes high primary production and assimilation number.
The incubation time depends on the enzyme concentration and the temperature and may vary from a few minutes to several hours at lower temperatures.
Mean incubation period from HIV infection until the emergence of AIDS Clinical symptoms and signs of time.
Mean incubation period from HIV infection until the emergence of AIDS Clinical symptoms and signs of time.