It is found that Chinese listed companies generally have lower levels of independent innovation index, and its effect on the company value is not significant.
Therefore, how to assess and measure the ability of independent innovation of industrial enterprises with a certain degree of theoretical and practical significance.
On the basis of the new research pattern, the network oligopolistic market structure is the most efficient market structure to realize enterprises independent innovation in China.
It may protect original knowledge which the enterprise independent technological innovation produces.
From the knowledge point of view, independent technological innovation is a creative activity based on the old knowledge.
In the long run, China's medical industry's fundamental way out is in technological innovation and more independent intellectual property.
Demandpull and Technologypush are not the independent forces in the process of technological innovation.
The first "Speaker-Independent Continuous Speech Recognition" system in the world developed by him was awarded the "Most Important Innovation of 1988" by Business Week magazine.
他曾开发出世界上第一个“非特定人连续语音识别系统”,并被《商业周刊》1988年授予 “最重要科学创新奖”。
The first "Speaker-Independent Continuous Speech Recognition" system in the world developed by him was awarded the "Most Important Innovation of 1988" by Business Week magazine.
他曾开发出世界上第一个“非特定人连续语音识别系统”,并被《商业周刊》1988年授予 “最重要科学创新奖”。