Index system of Balanced Score Card (BSC) is composed of causal dimensions including Financial, Customer, Internal Business Processes and Learning and growth.
And it also sets up the achievement evaluation index system based on the Keeping Score Card, and the financial index that includes economic benefits and ecological benefits.
A database is a computerized filing system, the electronic equivalent of a card index or filing cabinet.
The function, design, and performance index of the system are described, and the techniques of non-contact IC card, OCR of passport number, bill printing and cash acceptor are mainly discussed.
A image is a digitized image of the index finger. It is entered into a computerized system that links the image to the at person's bank account, credit or debit card or even food stamp account.
A image is a digitized image of the index finger. It is entered into a computerized system that links the image to the at person's bank account, credit or debit card or even food stamp account.