To use each variable, you simply use the column number as the index of the single value you want.
If the code always begins with the index set to zero, after processing, the index value will equal the number of parsed characters.
The ending index value of this set of elements can be calculated only by adding up the total number of values that occurred in all preceding slices plus the current slice.
The starting index value of this set of elements can be calculated only by adding up the total number of values that occurred in all of the preceding slices.
Line 28 also creates a temporary variable and sets it to the value of the object's index number modulus 32.
As the index of value of species, the generalized abundance is more rationale than the number.
The level index system of artillery command training has accurate number value type and language value which is difficulty for data processing of index.
The index is usually originated from the value of securities or an indicator and expressed with the base number of 100.
The calculated value consists of a localizable resource string for untitled controls, plus (if there are multiple controls within the zone) a number based on the index of the control within the zone.
Based on a large number of eye movement driving experiments, the evaluation index of visual overload named "maximum transient velocity value of pupil area" (MTPA) was established.
It is expressed by a pure positive number between 0 and 200 with 100 as the boundary value of climate index.
其表现形式为纯正数,以100作为景气指数的临界值,其数值范围在0 - 200之间。
It is expressed by a pure positive number between 0 and 200 with 100 as the boundary value of climate index.
其表现形式为纯正数,以100作为景气指数的临界值,其数值范围在0 - 200之间。