This article tries to analyze the relationship between full and net prices of actively-traded treasury bonds and the bond index of Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) by using linear regression.
PetroChina's stunning debut on the Shanghai stock Exchange again demonstrated the force of China's bull market, which has more than doubled its benchmark stock index so far this year.
Since 1990, the benchmark stock index on the Shanghai exchange has soared 27-fold, despite a crash in 2008 and a lot of ups and downs in between.
The research to the liquidity of stock index futures simulation trade in Shanghai futures exchange and the price discovery is valuable.
This paper discusses the application of neural network model in prediction of stock index and predicts the Shanghai exchange index by establishing BP network model.
In this paper we introduce the characteristic of ARCH model and its extended models, and by using these models we analyze a share index yields in Shanghai stock exchange.
The contrarian effect of Shanghai Stock Exchange A - shares is investigated using a traditional financial index based on 180 A - shares sample data from 1999 to 2003.
The yields of the indices of Shanghai Stock Exchange are chosen as the subjects for testing whether or not it will influence Chinese investors' prediction on next trading day's Index.
The Treasury market of Shanghai Stock Exchange is divided into two stages according to the trend of Treasury index.
The Treasury market of Shanghai Stock Exchange is divided into two stages according to the trend of Treasury index.