A new study indicates that the failure to diagnose and treat diabetes is a global problem in countries rich and poor, putting millions of lives at risk.
MECHANICS checking for a blockage in a car's fuel pipes know to floor the accelerator, for a splutter then indicates a problem that may not show up when the engine is idling.
Holding the mouse pointer over a syntax error like this brings up a hover tip describing the problem; in this case, it indicates that it is an incomplete statement requiring a semicolon.
A problem in the inner children or teenager indicates patterns that need to be transcended from various ages of your own life experience.
Drawing a square indicates you want control of a situation — that you are thinking through a problem.
This event indicates that the System Attendant encountered a problem when trying to generate the Offline Address List (OAL).
Model indicates that, at low current density and high methanol concentration, the methanol crossover poses a serious problem for a DMFC.
This indicates that the problem probably lies in a thin oxide film that forms on contacts and breaks down whenever moved.
In other cases, a language delay indicates a problem that will require more direct intervention by health or education professionals (or both).
If that empirical evidence indicates a high probability of general competitive imbalances, we will then review our options for addressing the problem.
The result of analysis indicates that it is a superior solution for solving the problem of the sinking frozen earth railway roadbed by applying the heat pipe technology.
You may not care to know that your air conditioner is running, but knowing that your air conditioner is on and your Windows are open indicates a problem.
The analysis indicates that the buckling problem of a rectangle membrane is in essence a balance problem of branching points.
The simulation result indicates that the performance of BSPSO on knapsack problem, with a quicker convergence, is superior to the greed and genetic algorithms.
针对0-1 背包问题,提出一种具有修复策略的、贪心算法与二进制粒子群算法相结合的混合智能算法。
The simulation result indicates that the performance of BSPSO on knapsack problem, with a quicker convergence, is superior to the greed and genetic algorithms.
针对0-1 背包问题,提出一种具有修复策略的、贪心算法与二进制粒子群算法相结合的混合智能算法。