To get around this I use a data structure to define a named indicator variable for each array element.
A NIEM schema document must contain an XSD: annotation element that has a description (in XSD: documentation) and an indicator that it is NIEM conformant (in XSD: appinfo).
You can add dimensions to an array control or indicator by popping up on its index display (not on the element display) and choosing add dimension from the pop-up menu.
Security is the first element of human existence, the main indicator of quality of life, the most important and basic human issues.
Through introducing the element damage indicator, then initial damage of the structure can be detected.
The choice of indicator is the key element of the safety assessment, which relates to the accuracy of expressway assessment.
Multi-element production capacity, closely related to corporate earnings, is a key indicator to determine the input-output ratio of economic activities.
As a case study of Poyang Lake, the divergent process of the indicator system formation has been made to establish the initial indicator set by using the matter-element theory.
Isotopic composition, the percentages of the different isotopes of an element in a given sample of the element, is therefore particularly suitable as an indicator of the sources of the ore.
Isotopic composition, the percentages of the different isotopes of an element in a given sample of the element, is therefore particularly suitable as an indicator of the sources of the ore.