The selections of resist agents, the rules of wax breaking, indigo dyeing and some other problems on printing are also outlined.
Technological Process: Wax painting, dyeing: dyed 5-9 times in plant indigo, there are many kinds of dyestuffs in different places.
工艺流程:画蜡、浸染:用植物靛蓝浸染5 - 9次,各地有几十种浸染配方。
"Indigo print" as an ancient dyeing art, began in the Qin and Han period, prevailing in the Tang and Song dynasties.
The natural indigo USES the traditional craft for dyeing pure cotton crude cloth, and then the CHINA indigo PRINT is appeared.
For Traditional dyeing process of research and the protection of indigo print, this paper has made a new contributions.
The dyeing promoter could rapidly combine with cotton fiber in alkaline solution and make the fiber cationization so that the affinity with indigo leuco and dye uptake would increase.
When the beeswax dries, it develops cracks, which absorb indigo in the process of dyeing, thus forming the beautiful natural lines resembling breaking ice.
蜂蜡干了之后,会产生一些裂纹,这些裂纹在染色过程中渗透进靛蓝 色,于是形成了如冰花式样的美妙纹理。 这样自然天成的纹理可以说是蜡染的灵魂所在。
When the beeswax dries, it develops cracks, which absorb indigo in the process of dyeing, thus forming the beautiful natural lines resembling breaking ice.
蜂蜡干了之后,会产生一些裂纹,这些裂纹在染色过程中渗透进靛蓝 色,于是形成了如冰花式样的美妙纹理。 这样自然天成的纹理可以说是蜡染的灵魂所在。