We will need all the necessary carton information and they should be told that each individual piece will need to be placed in a US mailable carton.
Like a train of product that is released at one time instead of scanning each individual carton.
Near him sat an untidy looking individual by the name of Sydney Carton.
However, be regarded as a clean kitchen again, the individual body will neglect a province, hereupon, it, became the small dead Angle son in your kitchen sanitation — Soot machine carton.
不过呢,就算是再干净的厨房,也有个别人会忽略一个地方,于是,它,就成为了你厨房卫生中的小死角儿- - - - - -油烟机盒。
However, be regarded as a clean kitchen again, the individual body will neglect a province, hereupon, it, became the small dead Angle son in your kitchen sanitation — Soot machine carton.
不过呢,就算是再干净的厨房,也有个别人会忽略一个地方,于是,它,就成为了你厨房卫生中的小死角儿- - - - - -油烟机盒。