The idea is that individual base pairs (the four chemical "letters" of the DNA alphabet) can then be read off one at a time as they pass through the nanopore.
Instead an enzyme, called an exonuclease, is attached to the top of the AHL. It cleaves individual base pairs from the DNA strand and feeds them through the pore to be detected one at a time.
I base this conclusion not on any individual study, but on large-scale and systematic reviews of thousands of studies conducted in every major English-speaking country.
But I firmly believe that all those who have judged the individual have done so with much less experience than we on which to base their judgment.
Base pay differentials on job complexity, avoid individual performance bonuses because they extinguish collaboration.
This is where the computing comes in. Computers allow individual genomes-all 3 billion base pairs of them-to be compared.
Their code base is a disaster, with no engineering standards whatsoever except what individual teams choose to put in place
To understand your customer base, you then only need to analyze a few typical clusters instead of each individual customer.
You can facilitate deeper coverage testing by analyzing your code base from the top level as well as analyzing individual class coverage.
But Dangour responds that criticism is off base, as the comparisons of organic versus conventionally grown food were done within individual studies.
The structured payload allows individual LEXS-based IEPDs to extend and customize the LEXS base model.
Community character grows out of the unique mix of purpose and individual interactions over time, and a community with multiple foundations in a variety of members gains a solid base.
In an agile environment, work allocation is decided collaboratively by a team: no individual has complete control over a section of the code base.
Marx parked thinking on the logistic base of realism from the real-life individual, dialectically used the connection between generally and single and elicted the thought on the essence of people.
The Template Method pattern defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a base class, using abstract methods and overriding to defer individual details to child classes.
“We should look at the individual in making treatment decisions, ” Dr. Terry said, “and not base our decisions solely on chronological age.”
The true balance of value should base on the reality, emphasize dialectical unification between social control and individual freedom.
Based on the base saying about concept and standard mathematical model of polychromatic sets, the relations between unification color and individual color are narrated.
The individual hairs have a dark tip and a tan base.
Thus, the class that knows the algorithm is not an abstract base class, but a concrete class that uses a helper that implements an interface defining the individual steps.
To correctly deal with the relationships between individual and society is the theoretical base for cultivating the sense of responsibility.
Husserl tried to explore the transcendental universal structure of life world, which is the base of communication of the individual experience.
Note: Weapon damage is approximate and listed at base value. See individual weapon pages for additional figures.
The individual leadership is the base of team leadership and organization leadership, it is the basic element of the three levels of leadership.
People who abide by the organic model tend to see other people as sharing the same life force, the same spiritual base, and the same kind of relationship among their unique individual parts.
Free for individual primary and middle school student. (Visitor Ticket of Guangzhou Patriotism Education Base is required. )
The internal working models, which are formed on the base of the individual's attachment history, direct the cognitive, the affect, and the behavior of the individual in relational context.
According to chefs at the training base, the milk Liu Xiang drinks was finally chosen after he evaluated dozens of imported and domestic milk brands, amounting to thousands of individual tastings.
According to chefs at the training base, the milk Liu Xiang drinks was finally chosen after he evaluated dozens of imported and domestic milk brands, amounting to thousands of individual tastings.