And the organization with individualism culture and low correlative degree of the job should consider the individual motivation.
Turner claimed that the frontier produced the individualism that is the hallmark of American culture, and that this individualism in turn promoted democratic institutions and economic equality.
Churches with red neon crosses dot the city's skyline, prompting theories that Wenzhou's business culture is rooted in a form of protestant individualism.
Greater prosperity translates into more choices for individuals-no small boon in a culture that so fervently celebrates cussed individualism.
We live in a culture that celebrates individualism and self-reliance, and yet we humans are an exquisitely social species, thriving in good company and suffering in isolation.
Tipping is more prevalent in countries with a culture of individualism than in those with a more collectivist spirit.
But whereas BMWs became the default choice of striving young professionals in the 1990s, buying a Saab was a statement of eccentric individualism-something utterly alien to GM's corporate culture.
On the trend of West Individualism thought and the bandage of Japanese traditional culture, the Naturalism literature brought forward a series of literature opinions, of which the core was "self".
In the culture of reasonable individualism, social moral and the profound emotion to community will be established out of people's conscious option.
Confucianism iS the mainstream of Chinese culture whi1e the western CUlture emphasizes individualism.
Therefore, the probe into the implication, features and causes of individualism teaching culture will benefit not only a just evaluation of it but also the explanation of teachers' behaviors.
The traditional culture is changing bit by bit and more people could accept western culture, especially the young Chinese, some of whom even cherish individualism and materialism.
The traditional culture is changing bit by bit and more people could accept western culture, especially the young Chinese, some of whom even cherish individualism and materialism.