For example, someone had drunk alcohol liquor which was mixed with industrial alcohol and died.
This article briefly reported the effects of hemodialysis in treating 13 patients with methyl alcoholism caused by drinking industrial alcohol.
The batch wastewater, which was the most polluted and consisted of the highest organic matter concentration, was used to produce industrial alcohol.
A dark, very thick molasses, especially a residual product of sugar refining that is used in the manufacture of industrial alcohol and as an ingredient in cattle feed.
Industrial, for the ethyl alcohol denaturation.
The industrial production of C5-7 secondary alcohol has been studied in detail in this article.
As an important intermediate of chemical reaction, alcohol, especially secondary alcohol, plays an important in industrial production, medicine synthesis and daily living.
Combine with the"S N2 "mechanism, after analyses the reaction process of alcohol and hydrochloric acid, we reasonably determined the industrial process for the production of Ethyl chloride.
The alcohol base fuel gasifying and reforming combustion system for industrial furnace belongs to the field of thermal system technology.
Ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) copolymer is one of three largest barrier resins in the world. Its industrial production process comprises two steps, i. e. copolymerization and alcoholysis.
This paper discusses the principles, technology and industrial production equipment of obtaining absolute alcohol with coordinately separate technique.
It is a complex industrial procedure of alcohol-recovery in Chinese traditional medicine production.
The industrial 95% ethyl alcohol separation and impurity peak qualitative analysis was carried out by GC separation.
The co-digestion on was and alcohol draff reached the reuse level of waste, which provided the basic experimental data for industrial application of anaerobic digestion on was.
Made by the oxidation of ethylene or by the dehydrogenation of ethyl alcohol, it is a second only to formaldehyde in industrial importance.
Benzene, cyclohexane and normal pentane etc. are frequently used as entrainers in industrial production of anhydrous alcohol through constant boiling and fine distillation.
This report is an outlined on the application and the study of synthesis by PTC in the laboratory and recent industrial production situation of benzyl alcohol.
本文就苯 甲醇的应用,实验室相转移合成的研究,以及工业生产近况进行了概述。
To introduce the alcohol fuel production, consumption, and State industrial policies in United States and Brazil.
The excellent yeast strains could be used for bread baking, the development of non-alcohol beverage, and the treatment of industrial waste water etc.
Registration Form shall lose efficacy automatically from the day when the industrial and commercial administrations cancel the registration or revoke the business license of the alcohol managers.
Registration Form shall lose efficacy automatically from the day when the industrial and commercial administrations cancel the registration or revoke the business license of the alcohol managers.