The mutual dynamics exists between regional development of industrial structure and urbanization.
That urbanization should response to the industrial upgrade has become the essential target for urbanization in the new time and important way for industry structure upgrade.
The flowing of production factors is very important for both urbanization and the optimizing the urban and rural industrial structure.
At the mean time, it helps to broaden the vision of city economy research, giving necessary theoretical support for urbanization and industrial structure research.
Urbanization is related with industrial structure linearly, and it has a negative correlation with the primary industry and a significant correlation with the secondary and tertiary industries.
From macroscopic respects, the dynamical mechanism of urbanization in China mainly include the industrial structure changes strength and the system and policy adjust and control strength.
On the basis of summing up experience of other countries, puts forward the trend, routes and realization strategy of urbanization response to industrial structure evolution in Northeast China.
Accelerating the change of industrial structure, enhancing the rate of urbanization and promoting the development of secondary and tertiary industries are helpful for the employment growth.
By way of optimizing industrial structure and accelerating urbanization to reduce the regional gap and increase resident income is the current strategic focus in west.
Chapter 3: theories about urbanization, which presents urbanization and its motivation mechanism, relationship between urbanization and industrial structure and the measurement of urbanization level.
Chapter 3: theories about urbanization, which presents urbanization and its motivation mechanism, relationship between urbanization and industrial structure and the measurement of urbanization level.