Some of the vehicles had never been seen before in public, including the tracked ZBD97 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), 155mm PLZ05 self-propelled artillery system and the Type-99G MBT.
一些战车以前从来没有进入过公众的视野,其中包括ZBD97型步兵战车,155毫米plz05型自行火炮系统以及99 G型主战坦克。
Some of the vehicles had never been seen before in public, including the tracked ZBD97 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), 155mm PLZ05 self-propelled artillery system and the Type-99G MBT.
一些战车以前从来没有进入过公众的视野,其中包括ZBD97型步兵战车,155毫米plz05型自行火炮系统以及99 G型主战坦克。