The division will consist of two tank companies and one infantry company.
The small vehicles are primarily used for anti-infantry support, but the cannons are potent enough to crack the armor of tank droids and shielded droid gunships.
It has about the same HP as the Predator Tank, and can crush infantry.
This paper is based on the item of "the synthetic parameters testing system for the second generation tank engine of infantry".
Dozer blades are an upgrade from the Nod Technology center and give quite a few bonuses to the Scorpion Tank. The first bonus is the ability to run over or squish heavy infantry.
They can be used to train a wide variety of soldiers — infantry, tank units, helicopter and jet pilots — for any situation and any theater, including the rugged terrain of Afghanistan.
这套系统可以用于训练各种不同兵种的士兵,包括步兵、坦克手、直升机和喷气式飞机驾驶员等。 系统还可以模拟各种不同的战场环境,包括阿富汗复杂艰险的山地地形。
All of the foreign 3rd generation tank use all-electric gun control system construction, and the infantry combat vehicle developed by our country also use all-electric gun control system construction.
Predators, as noted above are great against massive Scorpion Tank spam and when mixed with Infantry really pack a powerful punch.
Predators, as noted above are great against massive Scorpion Tank spam and when mixed with Infantry really pack a powerful punch.