The committee has reviewed the policy on the use of bacille Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccination for children infected with HIV in light of new evidence.
During 1988 and 1993 in the US, an estimated 1000-2000 children became infected with HIV each year through mother-to-child transmission.
从1988年到1993年,在美国大约每年都有1000- 2000名儿童由于母婴传播感染HIV病毒。
Every day, about 28 000 children under five die from largely preventable causes, including malaria; more than 10 000 people are infected with HIV; and 22 000 people become sick with tuberculosis.
Thailand's 30 million women infected with HIV, they gave birth to many children have been infected.
Thousands of children become infected with HIV every day.
Myanmar about 10 million women infected with HIV if they have children, can lead children infected with AIDS.
AIDS orphans, the orphaned children of deceased AIDS patients, are nonetheless healthy without being infected with HIV virus.
Luckily, the children are not infected with HIV. But even so, life for Nelim and Kamo is far from easy.
With the expansion of infection in HIV-positive children and to accept blood products infected with HIV will also be characterized mouth.
AIDS a threat to humanity not only because it is so far no cure, and as a result of an increasing number of infants and children infected with HIV and died of AIDS.
AIDS, many children lost their parents, in fact, most of the orphans are not infected with HIV.
Luckily, the children are not infected to with HIV. But even so, life for Nelim and Kamo is far from easy.
Once he was infected with HIV, the virus will be from high risk groups to the general population, affecting his wife and children.
Survey, not to intervene in the case, mother to child transmission of AIDS continue to occur, transmission rates up to 38.1%, is the main way children infected with HIV.
How the children infected with HIV?
Difficult living and patients infected with HIV, AIDS orphaned children and Gulao into the minimum living security and social relief system.
According to the latest survey, 30% of respondents believed that HIV infected children should not be with other children in the same school learning;
According to the latest survey, 30% of respondents believed that HIV infected children should not be with other children in the same school learning;