Through calculating service temperature by flight parameter and based on the flight training program, infield and outfield test-fly program, and compares the result with actual-measurement.
包括用飞行训练大纲和内厂、外场试飞大纲作为飞行剖面编制的依据; 以飞参数据作为温度载荷的原始输入; 采用大气状态下的实测结果进行温度校正计算等。
Through calculating service temperature by flight parameter and based on the flight training program, infield and outfield test-fly program, and compares the result with actual-measurement.
包括用飞行训练大纲和内厂、外场试飞大纲作为飞行剖面编制的依据; 以飞参数据作为温度载荷的原始输入; 采用大气状态下的实测结果进行温度校正计算等。