At a high level, metadata refers to information about data, such as its definition, structure, source, etc.
A feed source is nothing but a URL at which a particular content provider periodically syndicates the content for a given information category.
The codes identify the source and destination of the information and enables data to flow without both parties having to be on the Internet at the same time.
Throughout the eruption, satellite images have been nearly the only source of new information about activity at the volcano.
The Internet has become a liberating tool, with a limitless source of information at your fingertips.
Such an attitude cuts off information at its source, from the very people - employees, customers, vendors - whom you should trust the most.
When information is transmitted, it is broken into packets at the sender of that data, labeled with information about the source and destination computers, and sent over the network.
At present, the WSDL does not provide enough information to be a conclusive source for a System Interface specification.
The site, a project of a group at Harvard University, aims to crowd source similar information by asking users around the world to post when specific internet services go down.
The underlying principle of information integration is for users to be able to see all of the data they use as if it resides at a single source.
As with many open source projects, the best source of information about how to write a detector is to look at other detectors that do similar things.
That's when the work begins — but at that point, the work will likely be worth it if you've discovered a new source for information or collaboration.
There is usually no index or statistics information provided at the remote data source on a view.
Simply looking at the current configuration source does not provide you with accurate information as it may have changed since the application last loaded it.
Infographics are a great source to look up; the visual representations of a particular topic helps us find the information needed at a quicker pace.
Students from abroad must submit, inaddition to the usual credentials, proof of proficiency in English and information concerning their expected source of income while in residence at the University.
除了一般的证书外。 外籍学生还必须呈交英语证书以及在大学住校期间的预计经济来源情况。
I have at last found the source material on this engine, so here is some more information.
Our assumption that the CTabFolder composite doesn't have an already created drag source still holds true. As you can see, this is based on information obtained by looking at non-API internal classes.
Note that, at this point, you have only established a single data source connection (to our WebSphere Information Integrator server) to retrieve data spread across multiple sources.
注意,此时您只建立了单一数据源连接(到DB 2Information Integrator服务器),来检索多个数据源中分布的数据。
Look at the open source projects at and the various commercial tools available through IBM (see Resources for more information).
Anyone can release any information anywhere at anytime, which makes the Internet the most important source of information.
Show source - opens source file at the position corresponding to selected command. Alternatively, doubleclick source line in the Information window.
According to confirmed information we have received from a reliable source at Canadian carrier Telus, Apple's iPhone 5 looks to be touching down on October 1st in Canada.
The binding information for replicas is kept in configuration and is dynamically acquired at runtime, so adding a redundant server requires only a configuration update, not changes in source code.
It's an efficient way to deliver IP data package from one source to more destination, send the copy of information to a group of address, to all the recipients at the same time.
Scroll the information in the Data Source box. The coordinate system details are at the bottom of the list.
DHI has no ownership rights to the indexed content sourced from third party sites and cannot guarantee that we will not collect information from a publicly available source at a later point in time.
The framework supplies ODBC as the data source; at run time, ODBC displays a dialog box asking for the data source name and any other required connection information.
In addition to being the best source of current information about laws and regulations, homeschooling support groups can help you meet a lot of people at once and can tell you about local activities.
In addition to being the best source of current information about laws and regulations, homeschooling support groups can help you meet a lot of people at once and can tell you about local activities.