Informed consent right is the basic right of patients.
Privacy right and informed consent right were two basic rights for citizens.
It is of great legal value to respect a patients informed consent right sufficiently.
Informed consent right was one of the patients legal rights in the medical activities.
Informed consent right was a legal right to patients and the obligation was a legal duty to doctors.
The patients' informed consent right in disease diagnosis and treatment is a fundamental right of patients.
During medical activity, medical staff should fulfill informing obligation to ensure patients' informed consent right.
However, doctors' explanation shows that informed consent right is limited to the medical interference and the relatives attorney consent.
The informed consent right of patients is the key to uphold the rights and interests of patients, reduce medical disputes and to improve the doctor-patient relationship.
However, doctors' explanation shows that informed consent right is limited to the medical interference and the relatives attorney consent. Therefore, people must grasp the right dialectically,...
As one of basic rights of patients, informed consent right has gradually been accepted for it can prevent and reduce the occurrence of medical disputes to improve physician-patience relationship.
Informed consent is the most basic and key right of patients.
When our society advocates Informed Consent, part of the patients claim that the right of Informed Consent is a cruel right, so they refuse to accept it.
Interns should know patients have basic rights as sacred living right, right of the medical treatment, informed consent of the diagnosis and treatment.
The case of li Li-yun involves the right of life, the right of informed consent and the special right to intervene from the inspection of right.
This paper discussed the necessity and contents of respecting patient's right of informed consent and how to specifically implement it.
The right of informed consent is the basic right of patients.
To protect the patients right of informed consent properly, the informing obligation system for the medical doctors should be established.
Conclusion the key point to reduce medical dispute is to guarantee the legal guardian's right of informed consent to patients' medical consultation and hospitalization.
However, there still exists in the course of medical practice false understanding in the public's mind about patient's right to informed consent and its legal effect.
The content of the informed consent includes the right to know and the right to consent.
In the course of medical services, patients have the right under the clinical information provided by doctors to make their own medical decisions, that is the right of informed consent.
The right of informed consent is a basic legal right of patients. However, in Chinas current medical practices, this right is usually exercised by a patients next of kin.
Patients have right of informed consent and medical workers have obligation of relevant apprizing.
The Israeli debate on advance directives has only emerged in recent years as a result of arguments over informed consent and right-to-die issues.
The limitation power shall be used in the condition of abuse of the right of informed-consent.
Patients' informed consent is patients' foundational right and medical institutions' obligation.
Presently it exists in the medical practice extensively that an agent executives the right of informed consent, but it also retains some disputations.
Informed consent reflects the social culture value, and embodies the respect to the patient's right and importance of individual autonomy in moral.
Informed consent reflects the social culture value, and embodies the respect to the patient's right and importance of individual autonomy in moral.