We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.
Some scientists believe that plants inhale oxygen at night and give off carbon dioxide.
Fred: You mean I should shrink my belly while I inhale oxygen, and extend it while exhale. Am I right?
Before a procedure, patients inhale these gasses, which are mixed with either oxygen or nitrous oxide.
The majority of people who die in fires don't die from burns, but rather they suffocate due to the lack of oxygen and inhale toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrogen cyanide.
The majority of people who die in fires don’t die from burns, but rather they suffocate due to the lack of oxygen and inhale toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrogen cyanide.
The CO you inhale takes the place of the oxygen that's carried to and from your heart by your red blood cells.
The brain makes up just 2 per cent of a person's body weight, but USES around 25 per cent of the oxygen we inhale and consumes 20 per cent of the body's energy.
The etheric body and light body of the plant kingdom inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide while humans and mammals inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen in the nonphysical.
Humans along with other mammals and birds then inhale the oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide in the physical creating a symbiotic relationship where one supports the other in the continued existence.
This includes the Oxygen within the X-Ray department that technologists inhale.
这包括技术人员吸入氧内的X -射线部门。
Methods the patients in this group were given corticosteroid and antibiotics on the inhale of oxygen who had relieved the symptoms.
Every time you inhale, oxygen passes from your windpipe to your lungs and on into your bloodstream.
After everybody rests, each minute must inhale the person 300 milliliters oxygen to exhale 250 milliliters carbon dioxide.
What does it take to align physical and nonphysical breath of life so that one begins to inhale one's own oxygen produced by the nonphysical?
Take a little extra time to exhale, since leaving residual carbon dioxide in the lungs can impede the delivery of oxygen on the next inhale.
In the process of doing exercise, the oxygen you inhale is equivalent to the body's demand.
In the process of doing exercise, the oxygen you inhale is equivalent to the body's demand.