One option would be to dynamically load the initial data instance, and base the contents of the page on the structure of data contained in that instance.
There were, however, two concrete artifacts associated with the layers pattern: the initial team structure, and the initial configuration management data-store structures.
When you click on a bar in any of the data structure bar charts, the right side of the window will update to display an initial summary of the contents of the selected structure.
Though the initial versions of the XML specification inherited DTDs from SGML, later versions of the specification introduced the use of schemas to define the structure of XML data.
This coefficient can be used to judge whether the structure is damaged, find the damage position and determine the damage degree of the structure in the case of unknown structures' initial data.
In order to make the training samples of neural network more real, firstly took the experimental data of the initial state of the frame structure to update the model.
This paper offers a detailed introduction of the Generalized Multi-List (GML), a data structure defined in the project "the Implementation of Initial Graphics Exchange Specification".
Getting the data through computer programming, it can offer reference for choosing the structure parameter rationally in initial stage of structural design.
When the stochastic seismic response of the structures is studied, lots of the earthquake records fit for the selected site are necessary to be used for initial data for structure model analysis.
Geostatic state of complex geometric structure is established by reading initial stress from data file.
The measured data about the initial deviations of the joint positions of several experimental models and an actual structure are studied carefully by the assumption and test methods.
The measured data about the initial deviations of the joint positions of several experimental models and an actual structure are studied carefully by the assumption and test methods.