The conversion of benzaldehyde and yield of benzylidene acetone were influenced by reaction time, temperature and initial water volume.
The initial temperature of the water in the beaker is also the same as in the experiment.
Factors that can affect quartz CPO include temperature, strain rate, strain, differential stress, content of water, interaction among minerals in polymineralic rocks, and initial orientation.
And the initial precaution plan that can be used for the reference of the management of the low temperature water system operation was put forward.
The results showed that initial fruit temperature, specific surface area, flesh thickness and melon to water ratio affected temperature decreasing rate of melon fruits in well water.
It was also shown that there was an inverse correlation between the speed of temperature variation and the initial water content for freezing soil, but no monotonic correlation for the thawing soil.
It was also shown that there was an inverse correlation between the speed of temperature variation and the initial water content for freezing soil, but no monotonic correlation for the thawing soil.