Listing 2. Input file format for gperf.
In the Input file format and file content split option page, select the file format.
在Input file formatand filecontentsplitoption页面上,选择文件格式。
Next, indicate which adapter type (inbound or outbound) you are creating and specify the parameters for this type of adapter and the particular file format of the input files.
The output follows the same XML format as that of the input request file.
The input file should be encoded in UTF-8 or UTF-16 format.
应该将输入文件编码为utf - 8或UTF - 16格式。
HTML lets you format text, add graphics, create links, input forms, frames and tables, etc., and save it all in a text file that any browser can read and display.
Another common real-world requirement for many projects is a Web-based configuration tool, which allows users to input configuration data through a Web form and saves this to a file in XML format.
Listing 2 shows the typical format of a gperf input file.
The mapping implementation is built as an Eclipse plugin and takes the industry standard file format for exchange of UML models (XMI) as input.
Convert knows what image format the input and output are, based on the file extensions given on the command line. So, to convert a JPEG to a PNG, use a command line like the following.
A delimited format input file, say 'profiledata' for example (see Listing 9), contains the profile schema, profile name, and the XML file name.
In this case, the input file (model) is in XML DTD 1.0 format as defined by the W3C organization.
在本例中,输入文件(模型)是W3C组织定义的XMLDTD 1.0格式。
The final results are stored in a single file labeled with the category name, one document per line, which is the input format that Mahout expects.
最终结果将存储在一个特定的文件中(该文件名包含类别名),并采用每行一个文档的格式,这是 Mahout 所需的输入格式。
Before running program, it is necessary to read in input file and built-in database, in which input file is edited by users themselves, and has special format requirements.
This class implements an input stream filter for reading files in the ZIP file format. Includes support for both compressed and uncompressed entries.
Set multiple output formats for one input file to output different format files from the same file simultaneously.
Data for a number of common fluids are available in the required format so that the user may append this data to their input file.
The fscanf function parses the input from an open file according to the specified format.
It was expatiated on how to using ASP to input and transmit the special format file.
It was expatiated on how to using ASP to input and transmit the special format file.