Okay, it's not really a cosmic "inside trading" scandal.
The lawsuit mechanism of civil lawsuit in inside trading is made up of representative lawsuit and shareholder derivative lawsuit.
First of all, the essay has defined some relative basic concepts about civil liability in inside trading and probed into the problem of responsibility theory of insider dealing.
First of all, the author investigates the research fruits about the insider trading and describes the concept, character and the important documents of inside trading generally.
The answer is that in the presence of transaction costs, the formal authority of company decision-making may solve bargaining problems better inside the firm than market trading outside.
The one-time billionaire made $72 million by trading on inside information on Goldman Sachs, Intel Corp., Google Inc., ATI Technologies and Clearwire, prosecutors say.
The agents visited Mr. Kinnucan last month and accused him and his clients of trading on inside information, according to an email Mr. Kinnucan sent to about 20 clients.
A lot of the hedge funds are just trading on inside information.
No person with knowledge of inside information shall, prior to a lawful disclosure of inside information, make public or disclose such information or conduct insider trading with such information.
In the first section the writer commented on the definition of insider trading and determined it from two core parts: inside information and insider.
This thesis focuses on analyzing the standard to define inside information, mainly discussed how to define the inside information in the practice of regulate the insider trading.
To legally standardize the inside stock trading is the requirement of stock markets for their good working. Relatively perfect laws of stock trading have been drawn up in many countries.
Wu is trafficking inside master trading relationship lynchpin.
During the endless stream of guests inside and outside the province, Mianzhu New Year trading extremely strong.
Then two from the inside out to: brother, you are trading, so the money will not come see!
April 30, 2003, inside a stock exchange in Wuhan City, a trader gets to know about that day's trading information from an inquiry machine.
April 30, 2003, inside a stock exchange in Wuhan City, a trader gets to know about that day's trading information from an inquiry machine.