Line 5 - This installs the Ruby package by invoking the install method.
Basing the simulation analysis results of HXMT, the following conclusions can be got: the design standard can be met in sine excitation state in bolt fix install method.
The NFS-based installation method enables administrators to install many instances of a server at the same time, saving time and resources for other work.
Now you are ready to install a new server using the network-based installation method.
This tends to be a preferred method of trying out software in "restricted demo" mode compared to having to install an application on your desktop that you may not end up buying.
When prompting the installation method, choose to install from NFS, as shown in Figure 7 below.
Start the installation with a parameter set for the installation method (auto install or interactive).
Use the 30-day trial approach to kick-start your new habit. This method has a high success rate and can be adapted for virtually any habit you’d like to install.
There is one disadvantage to this method: Unless the plug-in you install specifies an update site within its files, Eclipse can't check for its updates automatically.
The method you use to install Samba depends on your Linux distribution, the tools available to you, and your needs with respect to specific Samba versions and features.
The RPM distribution format is found on many Linux systems and is the preferred method to install binary software on red Hat and Fedora systems, among others.
This is my favorite method when there are large Numbers of files to copy: install a second hard drive, then boot Knoppix, then copy files from the old disk to the new disk.
You choose a subscription or pay-as-you-go method because you do not have hardware or software to buy, install, and maintain, nor do you have to update the application.
您选择了一种订阅或即付即用(pay - as -you - go)方法,因此不需要购买、安装和维护软硬件,也不必升级应用程序。
You can download, compile, and install the Audacity source code yourself, or use your distribution's method of installing new software.
But don't worry if you can't install the database: I provide an "install free" method later using the Zorba XQuery processor.
There are many different ways to install the IBM Cognos Controller client, and this Proven Practice document aims to give the most efficient and successful installation method.
This is the recommended way to install the WPAR sub-agent, and is the method to which the Setup Advisor guides you.
Supports handwriting input and recognition. You need to install any input Method Editor (IME) to use the handwriting feature.
Another method for installing applications on the N810 uses an .install file to accomplish a "single-click install."
在N810 上安装应用程序的另一种方法是使用.install文件来完成 “一键式安装”。
This time, however, the researchers produced the fizziness with a new method that uses far less energy, and is cheaper to install.
By installing via this method, you need to be online the first time you install the game and can easily set it up to play offline in the future.
Use the same method to install the next wall cabinet.
Old Method: High speed turbine couplings often utilize fitted bolts which can be difficult to install and remove.
You are able to directly invoke the install helper method from the package name itself.
Supports dictation and voice commands. You need to install an Input Method Editor (IME) to use the Speech Recognition feature.
The article introduces the program? Method and points for attention in vacuumizing and puffing SF6 gas when we install SF6 GIS.
介绍了在SF 6全封闭组合电器安装时,抽真空与充sf 6气体的程序、方法以及注意事项。
To avoid the rain when in the signal receiving bad phenomenon, so we in the installation of hou can according to this method to install the antenna.
U sing a method of adding curved lines and adjusting install mode of the pad-roller, we also can get shape curve equations of the roller body and an effect of even pad rolling.
The above method has the features of simple hardware and software system designed, easy to install, low-cost and easy to maintain, it is a multidrop temperature measurement system the ideal solution.
A new method was used to install successfally the ring on No. 3 converter at JISCO.