People try to change the world - instead of themselves.
Good instead of themselves that "a good process will have good results", they say, "Good work, good material to produce a good product.
Instead of finding things out for themselves, they make assumptions that often turn out to be wrong.
Many people do fun things to make themselves stand out, like wear silly clothes or do things instead of just running.
In today's youth sport setting, young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport.
Most kids that age would be picking out candies or toys in a store for themselves, instead of helping their mom pick out fruits as the two kids did.
If instead we regard the financing of warfare by taxation in this period as a background condition, then we will see the English reverse themselves as the main cause of the revolt.
They end up asking parents or teachers what to do instead of thinking by themselves.
Instead of sending a manuscript to a publisher, some authors turn their manuscripts into eBooks themselves.
Instead of just giving money to poor people, it has tried to educate people and give them the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty.
Instead of trying to control our children, we teach them to control themselves.
When asked to make a group decision, instead of sharing vital information known only to themselves, people tend to repeat information that everyone already knows.
This is not because of the accent, but because they often use rhymes to describe things instead of the words themselves.
So instead of really being themselves, they resort to strictly standing out for the sake of standing out.
Instead of empowering themselves, some people actually empower their Guru and turn them into a demi-god.
Once handed the money, he abandoned his promised strategy, and instead of buying assets at market prices, began to overpay for preferred stocks in the Banks themselves.
Instead of working with the people most affected and helping build their capacity to protect themselves, offshore balancing does little to change the problem in positive ways.
Instead of just letting themselves drift off into dreamland, they kept on checking to see if they were still awake, and that quick mental check woke them up.
For example, after a talk about the risks of malaria in pregnancy, the men realized the importance of giving bed nets to their wives to sleep under, instead of using them themselves.
Not sacrificing for their own society's children, people would themselves become children, basing their lives on pleasure and ease instead of meanings to be fulfilled.
And that is perhaps why it is loaded with socially inept information junkies who would prefer to hang out by themselves instead of attending a party.
When asked to make a group decision, people tend to repeat what everyone already knows, instead of sharing vital information known only to themselves.
Having controllers handle events themselves instead of the events has also been discussed.
Instead of the car club Web site working for them, they found themselves working hard for their Web site.
Using them does simplify the code a bit for the cases where you'll need to handle the SOAPElements themselves instead of working with your data objects.
The file is read when Eclipse starts to identify any default preference values that should be used instead of those defined by the plug-ins themselves.
That was why they'd positioned themselves as a "media company" instead of a technology company.
That was why they'd positioned themselves as a "media company" instead of a technology company.