An instruction storage interrupt is a page fault on an instruction fetch.
After all logic events have been completed, the control unit initiates the next instruction fetch.
At minimum, the branch hint must be four instruction fetch groups before the branch instruction, or it will have no effect.
When a page fault is taken on a file due to an instruction fetch, only the non-computational file transitions to the computational state.
The instruction fetch is a common operation for each instruction , and consists of reading an instruction from a location in memory.
To simplify the design they chose to have the PC expose the address of the current instruction fetch, rather than the currently executing instruction.
Each mapped page is restricted in the types of operations that may be performed on its contents: read, write, and instruction fetch (also called execute).
For a branch hint to be most effective (so that the branch does not stall at all), it must be set at least four instruction fetch-groups plus 11 cycles before the branch instruction.
Another unique architectural feature is the memory system which allows an instruction fetch and at the same time a data access by each individual core at every single clock cycle.
Also, you can use.align 3 to force a given instruction to start in a new fetch group (it will be padded with appropriate no-ops to align it properly).
At per cycle, processor fetch many instruction from many thread to manage operation.
At per cycle, processor fetch many instruction from many thread to manage operation.