The cold air in the working chamber can convent if the exhaust valve on top of the oven is open, the temperature is controlled constant automatically by digital display instrument.
The principle and approach of constant magnetic measurement for diameter of coiled tubing is introduced, and an instrument for the measurement is designed.
The phases of samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction and their thermoelectric properties were tested by electric constant instrument and laser thermal conductance instrument.
We designed a large current AC constant current source of low frequency, and an electronic preamplifier with high sensitivity for the use of the instrument.
The article focuses on quantity analysis, discussion of using constant quantity instrument to do semimicro chemical analysis experiment.
Second, lower resistor values reduce the input time constant and result in faster instrument response time.
To single phase SCR bridge rectification circuit of constant potential instrument, the expression of load voltage is derived and harmonic component of load voltage is analyzed in detail.
This instrument is multifunctional type circulation constant temperature water bath, not only to provide a constant temperature bath, used for a variety of high and low temperature test;
A new generation of IGBT inverse constant potential instrument is developed by using powerful switching power supply technology.
Based on requirements of cotton HVI (high volume instrument) testing psychometric room, presents an idea of constant temperature and humidity system design and separate setting and control.
The current transducer magnetism characteristic instrument is mainly developed to measure the time - constant and remanence coefficient.
An intelligent instrument for constant discharge of battery is introduced.
In the paper, three sets of data are acquired through the Planck's constant measuring instrument and some of the knowledge of statistics is employed to verify Einstein's photoelectric effect equation.
The instrument zero feature can compensate for any remaining thermoelectric EMF, provided it is relatively constant.
The discussion for operating conditions of hub bearings, auxiliary bearings of electronic instrument assembly and constant velocity joint bearing has been made.
The additive constant of the electro-optical distancemeasuring instrument and the total station instrument are the correction of the survey results using these instruments.
Microwave remote sensing is a very suitable instrument for soil moisture monitoring because of its sensitivity to the dielectric constant of soil which is dominated by soil moisture.
The paper dispelled makeup products by constant temperature dispelling device, then the mercury of them was determined with cold atom fluorescence mercury - de-terming instrument.
The paper dispelled makeup products by constant temperature dispelling device, then the mercury of them was determined with cold atom fluorescence mercury - de-terming instrument.