And insulating ring technology is adopted to further improve input impedance influenced by insulating resistance of printed circuit board.
The insulating resistance on the coating surface of buried pipelines is a very important parameter which is directly concerned with the cathode protection effect.
After comparing and analyzing several conventional insulating resistance measuring method such as AC method, DC creepage method and so on, their shortcomings in use are pointed out.
The advantages of this method are that it's fast and, depending on the power supply voltage and insulating materials, it allows measuring extremely high resistance.
This paper introduced an improvement of measuring the insulating - resistance of elevator, also some different opinions are provided about the query of measuring the insulating-resistance.
The thermal resistance of the heating part (temperature sensor) is made of metal wire even double wound on the insulating material on the skeleton.
The test results prove that the coating shows excellent weatherability, durability, chemical resistance, insulating property, non-sticky performance and environmentally friendly features.
XPE foams exhibit exhibit excellent insulating qualities, sound absorption. and excellent resistance to chemicals and weather.
With a high temperature, corrosion resistance, heat shock, low thermal conductivity, high electric insulating strength and high elastic modulus properties.
The paper introduces a coating with high temperature resistance and insulating property for surface insulation process of electric heater coil of heating coil in automobile cigar lighter.
The graphite as heater and insulating heater shield in heating vacuum resistance furnace were described.
The insulating layer thermal conductivity value of table1 is calculated by the Al-Substrate CCL thermal resistance value.
It has excellent electrical insulation property, flame retardant, arc resistance, suitable for clapboard of switch cabinet and can be machined to all kinds of insulating structural parts.
With its features of heat-resistance and insulation, it is a suitable material for insulating coils of electrical appliance and instruments and cores of resistors.
Insulating properties, dielectric strength, volume resistance, pressure, shock resistance, and temperature characteristic of ELANTAS conformal coatings all achieve excellent level.
The electrodes follow the ASTM Standard D257 entitled "DC Resistance or Conductance of Insulating Materials."
其电极满足ASTM标准d 257“绝缘材料的直流电阻或电导”的要求。
The alumina bubble is a hollow spherulitic heat-insulating material, which is made by electro-melted method. It is noted for its lightweight, heat-resistance, and close pore.
氧化铝空心球ALUMINABUBBLE 氧化铝空心球是由电熔法制得的空心球状隔热材料 。它的特点是质轻闭孔耐高温。
The alumina bubble is a hollow spherulitic heat-insulating material, which is made by electro-melted method. It is noted for its lightweight, heat-resistance, and close pore.
氧化铝空心球ALUMINABUBBLE 氧化铝空心球是由电熔法制得的空心球状隔热材料 。它的特点是质轻闭孔耐高温。