The control group showed a decrease in soleus muscle mass and strength, the development of insulin resistance, and a loss of bone mineral density and resistance to breakage.
The relationship between insulin resistance and the risk of first stroke was stronger in men than women but did not vary by racial or ethnic group.
There was a significant worsening of insulin resistance markers in the oral estrogen group.
ResultsThe total effective rate in the treated group was 71 4%, that on improving peripheral insulin resistance was 76 2%, the two parameters were similar to those in the control group.
结果(1)中药组降糖的总有效率为71 4 %,改善外周胰岛素抵抗的总有效率为76 2 %,与西药组相仿。
RESULTS: The levels of insulin resistance and content of MDA in the pancreatic tissue in IH group were significantly higher than those in control group and SH group (P<0.01).
结果: 间歇低氧组小鼠胰岛素抵抗水平及胰腺组织中MDA水平显著高于正常对照组和持续低氧组 (P<0.01);
Conclusion the level of insulin resistance has increased accompanying by the decrease of the level of serum adiponectin in the people group of prehypertension.
Conclusion the level of insulin resistance has increased accompanying by the decrease of the level of serum adiponectin in the people group of prehypertension.