When it comes to insurance claims, the rule of measuring insured losses affects the vital interests of the insurance parties.
Why should not more of the losses fall on creditors, other than the insured depositors?
They will undertake to compensate you for the losses according to the risks insured.
Weakened by huge losses on risky home loans, the banking industry is now on the shakiest ground since the early 1990s, when more than 800 federally insured institutions failed in a three-year period.
The insurance firm considers events “catastrophes” if insured claims, total economic losses or casualties exceed a certain threshold.
In most insurance systems only a small percentage of those insured suffer losses.
Data include the vehicle make and model, claim frequency, average loss payment per claim and overall losses per insured vehicle year.
And all consequent losses arising there from including the amount of claim paid by the Company shall be indemnified by the Insured.
By purchasing the insurance, the insured reduces exposure to potential losses.
It shall be liable for paying indemnity for the losses caused by an insured accident within the scope of the insured amount.
With Average (W. A) is the cover under which the insurer is responsible for the partial losses of the insured goods and protects them against damage from seawater caused by natural calamities.
Injury losses indicate the relative frequencies of injury claims per insured vehicle year filed under personal injury protection coverages in the 17 states that offer such coverages.
The premium collected by the insurer from the insured is pooled together as a fund, and the claims of those suffering losses are paid out of this fund.
Damage or loss caused by natural calamities or force majeure. For value-insured mail, these circumstances are limited to losses caused by war.
Marine losses refer to the ones that are caused to the insured cargo during sea transport by the perils of the sea. They include Total loss and Partial loss.
Short-Term Credit Insurance is an insurance product which gives protection against losses of non-payment of a trade debt subject to insurance provisions agreed by both the insurer and the insured.
The insurer indemnified the insured for the great losses.
Article130 If losses have been incurred on the insured due to the fault of an insurance broker, the insurance broker shall be liable to compensation.
Ocean losses refer to the direct or indirect losses of the insured subject matter during the voyage owing to the perils of the sea.
Ocean losses refer to the direct or indirect losses of the insured subject matter during the voyage owing to the perils of the sea.