But many services and intangible assets, say a unique patent or a global brand, do not have a market price, so it is hard to estimate what they are worth.
The officials from the Patent Bureau demanded that Chinese enterprises should register in Internet sooner to protect their intangible assets and to prevent foreign enterprises from registering first.
The article deals with the problem of managerial strategies over the patent, trademark, trade secret of the intangible assets.
Patent and other intangible assets are initially recorded at actual cost, and amortised using the straight-line method less than 10 years generally.
The amortized expenses of such intangible assets as software, patent rights and non-patented technologies used exclusively for research and development activities.
The technology to declare the patent number twenty, which has six invention patents, two patents in assessment of intangible assets, intangible assets value exceeds 100 million yuan.
The patent has economic value as one kind of intangible assets.
Article 37 Intangible assets include special techniques, patent rights, trademark rights, Copyrights, land-use rights, other permits and initial cost.
The non-monetary assets include such fixed assets as buildings, machines and equipments as well as such intangible assets as patent rights, trademark rights and non-patented technologies.
The non-monetary assets include such fixed assets as buildings, machines and equipments as well as such intangible assets as patent rights, trademark rights and non-patented technologies.