Its (security) is based on the intractability of the integer factorization problem as RSA, and it is able to resist the chosen-ciphertext attack against RSA and easy to be implemented.
On the basis of requesting another factorization of an integer in only one way, two interesting asymptotic formulas on cub complements are obtained through the elementary method.
Public key RSA mainly depends on the establishment of the factorization difficulty of a big integer.
公钥密码算法RS A主要是依赖于大数的因数分解的困难性建立的。
RSA 's security relies on the factorization of large Numbers, but not theoretically prove the difficulty of deciphering the RSA and the difficulty of large integer equivalent.
RSA 's security relies on the factorization of large Numbers, but not theoretically prove the difficulty of deciphering the RSA and the difficulty of large integer equivalent.