We can take this component and integrate it with other practices - such as a Scrum practice, or an XP practice - and create a development process that meets the needs of a specific project.
Educational practitioners should observe the limitation of educational theory and integrate theory with practice through improving practical rationality.
Develops and monitors programs which integrate learning with practice opportunities.
The foundation is to know the theory well, the key is to understand the reality, and the core is to integrate theory with practice.
Combing with the core courses, a series of advanced topics are offered to integrate theory and practice.
The teaching practice from the life career guidance shows us that if the education is successful, we must integrate the education with the life background.
Applying what we learn is one of the purposes of study and striving to integrate theory with practice is our basic requirements of the job training.
Also, cases in practice validate the feasibility that FIDIC conditions integrate with the model of project contract management in International Engineering project.
The clinical practice of oral medicine is the juncture phase for medicine students to integrate theory with practice and convert capability from knowledge.
Graduation field work, which affords a good chance to integrate theory with practice, is a key link of teaching work in university.
Designers should integrate vicinal practice with the design of Distribution Automation system, and create a optimum project during the system design.
We should integrate theory with practice and shouldn't put it on the shelf.
At the meanwhile, in order to integrate theory with practice, the paper provides some designing projects of the landscape design for the High Tech Park in Jiaozuo.
As an important part of medical education, clinical practice teaching is an important period for medical students to become doctors, in which they integrate theory with practice.
Not only can it help learners integrate theory with practice, but also it improves the advanced abilities, such as problem analysis, reflection.
The end integrate to practice with the basic intelligence of whole processes.
There can only be one criterion, namely, whether or not he is willing to integrate himself with the broad masses of workers and peasants and does so in practice.
我们有两种道德并行不悖:其一是口讲而 不实行的,其二则是 实行而甚少讲及的。
Each scenario includes a comprehensive problem-solving practice set, which enables readers to integrate relevant math with theory and practical applications.
Each scenario includes a comprehensive problem-solving practice set, which enables readers to integrate relevant math with theory and practical applications.