The integrated expert system tools are currently a popular area researched all over the world.
This paper presents the multistage and distribution expert integrated system for the command and control strategy.
The function and application of 3DSIS are shown. The integrated model of 3DSIS, numerical analysis method and expert system is suggested.
This method is based on expert system and its practice will enrich the high-level software used in integrated substation automation.
Fuzzy system is broadly used in the fields of control, signal process, communication, integrated circuit, Expert system, medical diagnosis and behavior science.
In the database design, the farming GIS display of data management, analysis and result is integrated when farming spatial-data, attribute-data and expert system are introduced.
Based on the traditional expert system, the integrated module of neural network ensembles is applied in this model in order to insure the automatic acquisition of knowledge and reasoning.
Expert system (ES) technic is one of the important basic technology in realizing computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS).
The elicitation search and integrated forward direction, reverse direction and bidirectional reasoning was adopted to set up expert system in reasoning machine design.
The CAPP system for cylindrical turning is developed based on expert system integrated with an artificial neural network.
The establishment method of the integrated knowledge database and realization of the integrated reasoner and software design for expert system are presented.
The traditional components of an expert system, such us knowledge base, inference engine and user interface are reconstructed and integrated, based on the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) library.
We put forward an module integrated expert and neural network. The hardware and software are also given. It is proved that the intelligent integrated system effctive.
The genetic method, statistical model and expert system have been integrated to provide a better performance and for various in the proposed method.
R & D system function of the laboratory's research projects, scientific research, expert database, the library, research equipment for integrated management;
R & D system function of the laboratory's research projects, scientific research, expert database, the library, research equipment for integrated management;