In this paper, the second order fully discrete difference method for a partial integro-differential equation is considered.
The paper considers a risk model with negative risk sum perturbed by diffusion. The integro-differential equation and the explicit expression for the ruin probability are derived.
At first, we get the integro-differential equation satisfied by the expected discounted penalty function by using the method of renewal, and hence Laplace transform of it is derived.
In this paper , we consider the Expanded Mixed Finite Element Method and mixed covolume method for the quasilinear parabolic integro-differential equation and quasilinear parabolic problem.
The integro-differential equation of parabolic type often occurs in applications such as heat conduction in materials with memory, compression of viscoelastic media, nuclear reactor, dynamics, etc.
With the aid of the projective operator technique, an integro-differential equation for the porbability density and an approximate equation for the mean first-passage time (MFPT) have been derived.
推导了平均第一通过时间(MFPT)方程,并在弱噪声和短相关近似下,得出方程的解; 通过数值分析阐明了平均第一通过时间和噪声关联时间之间的联系。
Two-point boundary value problems of second order mixed type integro-differential-difference equation is studied by means of differential inequality theories.
Two-point boundary value problems of second order Hammerstein type integro-differential-difference equation is studied by means of differential inequality theories.
Two-point boundary value problems of second order Hammerstein type integro-differential-difference equation is studied by means of differential inequality theories.