Usage areas include, inter alia, swimming pools, aquariums, bathing and other waters;
A German buyer bought inter alia six platforms from an Italian company in order to install them on lorries.
We developers have difficulties, for inter alia, the situation was mainly due to our real estate policy issues.
But for second-hand housing, property rights are very clear, submitted to, inter alia, in 2 months time to complete.
It is envisaged that there are a number of circumstances where a policy may be cancelled, and these would include, inter alia.
It includes inter alia hydrofoil boats, air-cushion vehicles, submersibles, floating craft and platforms not permanently moored.
The expression "perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations" in heading 33.07 applies, inter alia, to the following products:scented sachets;
品目33.07 所称“芳香料制品及化妆盥洗品”,主要适用于下列产品:香袋;
More ancient sources in translation; useful collections of photos of Latin inscriptions and theatres inter alia; a few old secondary works on ancient Rome.
As a leading arbitration body in China, CIETAC has long been a pioneer in the area of resolving E-commerce disputes pertaining to, inter alia, domain name.
Then examples are given for the content of such documents. Mentionedare, inter alia, specification of approved suppliers but also bills of(starting) materials.
Article 54. A public notice issued under these Regulations shall contain, inter alia, important information, facts, reasoning, legal basis, findings and conclusions, etc.
The invention relates to a method for the production of glass-coated electric components, wherein the components are, inter alia, passivated by the application of the glass.
In assessing such risks, relevant elements of consideration are, inter alia: available scientific and technical information, related processing technology or intended end-uses of products.
Statutory compliance of inter-alia, includes Taxation laws, Labour laws, Foreign Exchange laws, Company Law, etc.
Statutory compliance of inter-alia, includes Taxation laws, Labour laws, Foreign Exchange laws, Company Law, etc.