This user interface is displayed so that users can interact with each task.
The various garbage collection implementations use different strategies for identification and reclamation of unreachable objects, and they interact differently with the user program and scheduler.
In principle, this lets SVG documents interact with user actions.
EGL's latest enhancements provide the ability to create applications that interact with end users through a graphical user interface.
Once you've created a frame for your application, you can begin to add the widgets that allow the user to interact with your application.
Until a breakthrough is made in artificial intelligence, applications continue to require that the user interact with them in a fairly well defined manner.
You interact with an existing GUI, and all the user generated-events are recorded in a script.
In this way, users can interact with a rich user interface (UI) without reloading the full page.
In an operational database, the user does not directly interact with the database.
In most cases, developers also need to construct a user interface to interact with these XML configuration files, to read and use the configuration data contained therein.
For a user to be able to interact with an application, often information about what the user has been doing to the application is kept on the server.
They interact indirectly through the system user.
Any end user can interact with multiple applications via Intelligent Documents, thus extending business processes beyond the enterprise.
This causes a default user interface, which has a tabular format to be automatically created and also generates the necessary code to interact with the user interface.
Your data model is coupled with your view to present the data to the user and to allow the user to interact with and change the data.
A user can simply interact with an online form to modify the writable service elements (for example, the bandwidth).
How will the user expect to interact with your repository?
No special markers, no desktop computer, no webcams: All a user needs to interact with augmented magazines, newspapers or cereal boxes is a smartphone.
For example, an application can use a set of Fragments to create a true multipane UI, with the user being able to interact with each pane independently.
It probably has a UI or GUI so the user can interact with the SOA-SC as a traditional application.
它可能具有UI或GUI,以便同传统应用程序一样与SOA - SC进行交互。
Controller - This object allows the user to interact with the application.
On the browser, you need a function to create an Ajax request, placeholders for response information, and one or more hotspots with which the user can interact.
The Controller subprogram also contains the user interface to interact with the client software.
With this as a starter, you should be well on your way to creating dynamic user interfaces that interact with RESTful services.
As you saw, strace can be a great program for learning how user programs interact with the operating system through certain system calls.
The view plans to use the TableViewer to display its information, and the user will interact with the TableViewer.
Employees interact with a portal user interface (UI) to perform their jobs, collaborate with colleagues, and interact with customers, partners, and suppliers.
员工与门户用户界面(User Interface,UI)进行交互,从而完成其工作,与同事协作,以及与客户、合作伙伴和供应商交互。
Without any menu searching, or any hunting around, the user can immediately interact with the page.
This way the user does not have to interact with the log in prompt.
This is to be expected, because you are defining the specification in a service interface for how a service user and provider interact.