The site where an endpoint interacts with the ESB is called a Service Interaction point (SIP).
If your users are familiar with categorized views, then you know what an interaction point can look like.
For example, the invoicing interaction point requires the invoicing interface to initiate price calculations and send the shipping price.
It is also the port represented by the activity partition, and it represents the interaction point through which the call will be accepted.
So, these services provide an explicit business function as well as an interaction point for generating new business events for further event-based processing.
These services, then, provide an explicit business function as well as provide an interaction point for generating new business events for further event-based processing.
SCA cannot support both provided and required interfaces for the same interaction point, thus separate import and export elements are created for service ports that provide and require interfaces.
Because connection is the entry point to interaction with a JMS server, each implementation of a connection interface must know how to connect to an instance of its own JMS server.
If however the point of interaction is a higher level business service contract, the individual integration points become less relevant.
According to the WSXL specification, a state machine is an abstract visualization of interaction flows — that is, of the order of interactions that would take place from one point to another.
Because the data model provides the user interaction, you can use it to validate the data input at the point of interaction.
Single point of interaction: data services act as a single point of interaction to data entities for consumers.
The point is to show an interaction of undergraduate chaos, enormous amounts of money and manic energy.
Figure 2 shows the module from the technology point of view and illustrates the various sub-components and the interaction between these different technologies.
Instead, Eclipse provides its own extension point system to enable bundle interaction.
This article also assumes the interaction with the Customer Registration service can be manually reworked at a later point in time when the service is available.
Finally, I left the "Student" actor in the diagram, even though no direct interaction occurs at this point because this actor is referred to in the steps of the use case.
最后,即使在这时没有发生直接交互,我也保留了序列图中的“Student ”参与者,因为这个参与者将在用例步骤中引用。
In a sense, the entire point of a GUI-toolkit (such as Tk) is to enable user interaction.
WebSphere Portal offers a single point of personalized interaction with applications, content, processes, and people.
In this article, we have provided a single point of reference for each the different interaction styles used by WebSphere Process Server and WebSphere ESB components.
Or perhaps more importantly, what if you have an existing piece of business logic you want to be a publisher, even if it is currently implemented with a point-to-point interaction pattern?
What if, in the point-to-point interaction pattern between the requester and publisher mediation, the requester already uses a publish/subscribe interaction pattern, as shown in Figure 2?
在请求者和发布者中介之间的点到点交互模式中,如果请求者已经使用发布/订阅交互模式(如图 2 所示),该如何呢?
The key point is that no single interaction achieves the meaning of the required service operation.
Make a point of asking at least one meaningful question in any interaction - you'd be surprised at what you can learn.
Traditional real-world order processing scenarios involve human interaction at some point in the process.
Again, it demonstrates confidence; it's the critical point of moving your interaction forward.
At this point, it's probably a good idea to stop and talk about user interaction.
A person's risk for becoming depressed at some point in his or her life ranges from low to high, based upon the interaction of all of these factors.
A person's risk for becoming depressed at some point in his or her life ranges from low to high, based upon the interaction of all of these factors.