Distinguished from other rule template methods, our rule template is closer to regular expressions, so the interaction with user is more easily.
Some data collections always require some interaction with the user.
If you do not specify this option in the configuration file, LILO will boot into the default OS with no user interaction and no waiting.
The consumer layer handles interaction with the user or with other programs in the SOA ecosystem.
User interaction with a partitioned database occurs through one database partition, known as the coordinator partition for that user.
Interaction services - User interfaces that enable people to work with services.
My next task is to match up that application interaction with the user experience, which needs to be equally non-invasive.
MIDP APIs for the user interface: These APIs are designed so that interaction with the user is based around a succession of screens, each of which presents a reasonable amount of data to the user.
用于用户界面的MIDPAPI:设计这些 API是为了能以一系列屏幕显示为基础与用户进行交互操作,每一屏幕显示把适量的数据显示给用户。
For each interaction a user makes with the portal, the appropriate logger (if it is configured) creates a new entry in the site analytics log file.
The idea behind this model is to separate the interaction with the user, the processing, and the data access as much as possible.
Writing code that simulates user interaction with GUIs can be tedious and error-prone.
Communities and social media are all about one to one interaction, whether with a company or another user.
User interaction with the system is consistent across multiple cloud targets, and is based on an HTTP REST interface which anyone can implement.
A community is a repository structure that enables user interaction with a group of assets that are related in some way.
This requirement necessitates the right automated tools to manage the desktop with minimal user interaction and associated costs.
The future of web is going to bolster even further growth with user interaction.
With the token of the legitimate user in hand, the attacker can proceed to act as the user in interaction with the site, thus to impersonate the user.
A widget is a View object that serves as an interface for interaction with the user.
User interaction: the user interaction layer allows a user to interact with an application (for example, visualizing information stored in the database).
For example, I've implemented removing tickets, and the user interaction with the ticketing system is slightly enhanced, so you'll see a bit more of Gaelyk in action.
the interaction with the user might look like this
Automation scripts for user interaction with a wiki server.
Session expiration based on user interaction with the Web site
The session is generally intended only for storing the conversational state of the user interaction with the portal application (for example, the contents of a shopping cart in a Web shop portlet).
会话通常仅旨在用于存储用户交互与门户应用程序的对话状态(例如,网上商店 Porltet 中的购物车的内容)。
On the client side of a voice Web interaction, the user interacts with a speech browser that talks to the Web on the user 's behalf.
Swing components that are the targets of user interaction fire events when the user interacts with them; data model classes fire events when the data has changed.
Thus, the List portlet surfaces four different roles associated with user interaction.
In Claçado’s example, a system for stock exchange for traders has three parts - data gathering, user interaction and transactions - with a different team working on each of them.
Designers often struggle with how to determine the flow of interaction between the user and the portlet.
Designers often struggle with how to determine the flow of interaction between the user and the portlet.