Interest-rate cuts have failed to bring about economic recovery.
The interest-rate cuts are an important start.
The rally has once more been driven by interest-rate cuts.
That is why the Fed's measured pace of interest-rate cuts is prudent.
The threat of recession has prompted two interest-rate cuts, and more reductions are likely.
And the risk of inflation could anyway stop the Fed from making aggressive interest-rate cuts.
Interest-rate cuts are welcome; but as a global recession looms, the case for fiscal stimulus grows.
European policy makers also have cautioned investors not to expect further drastic interest-rate cuts.
If sales do not respond soon to interest-rate cuts, some retailers may resort to deep discounts as Christmas approaches.
The bank has made three consecutive interest-rate cuts in total, bringing the benchmark Selic base interest rate to 11%.
The willingness of central Banks to use interest-rate cuts to bail out financial markets only added to the speculative enthusiasm.
Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Glenn Stevens, meanwhile, has embarked on the biggest round of interest-rate cuts in almost two decades.
Alan Blinder, a Princeton professor and former Fed governor, also argues* that fiscal remedies can boost demand more quickly than interest-rate cuts.
前联邦储备委员会官员,Pringceton大学的Alan Blinder教授表示*,财政政策能扩大需求,而且效果快于减息政策。
Stimulus measures, which have included increased spending on anti-poverty and make-work programmes as well as interest-rate cuts, have been overwhelmed.
If the slide becomes chaotic, it could demand currency-market intervention and a willingness to hold back interest-rate cuts for the sake of the dollar.
Among hopeful signs Monday, ECB figures showed that credit rates charged to households and businesses continued to fall in the wake of the ECB's interest-rate cuts.
Given the American backdrop, the Fed's recent decision to step up the pace of interest-rate cuts is understandable. The weak economy poses a bigger danger than inflation.
In a bid to ensure the central bank's interest-rate cuts filter through to the broader economy, Mr. Trichet encouraged commercial Banks to lend to one another more freely.
He argues that the interest-rate cuts that have prompted the dollar to fall have produced a surge in liquidity in fast-growing emerging markets such as China and the Middle East.
Just as previous interest-rate cuts by the Fed helped to pump up both the dotcom bubble and America's housing bubble, further easing over the next year could inflate emerging markets even more.
However, as the year rolls on investors may start looking to an economic rebound in 2009, especially if the Federal Reserve continues the cycle of interest-rate cuts that began in September 2007.
Figures released yesterday, however, from financial data provider Moneyfacts showed Banks were failing to pass on interest rate cuts to mortgage borrowers despite making severe cuts in savings rates.
The main reason for the fall was mortgage interest rate cuts following Bank of England base rate cuts.
She suggested it would be a temporary phenomenon, but added that further interest rate cuts and changes to the reserve ratio could be made, and further measures to stimulate consumption.
Interest rate cuts, such as the one implemented by the BOK this morning, may not be consistent with a stronger currency.
It's a very emphatic entry into recession which underlines the need for very dramatic interest rate cuts which we think the Bank of England will deliver.
This week's coordinated interest rate cuts by several nations' central Banks appear to have had little or no effect on investors' confidence.
There have now been four interest rate cuts in two and a half months, reflecting a shift by policymakers from tackling inflation to supporting growth.
There have now been four interest rate cuts in two and a half months, reflecting a shift by policymakers from tackling inflation to supporting growth.