In the long run, after all, resolving this conflict is in America's interest, too.
In the long run, theory suggests that higher growth, other things equal, should mean higher interest rates for a given rate of inflation.
This could save you in the long run as you would not have to pay this fee and the interest it incurs.
Perhaps, just perhaps, undermining any interest, even if you undermine interests of others, to an advantage to yourself, turns out to be a disadvantage in the run, long or short.
In the second instance, the reverse can happen if the economy is starved of liquidity: the yield curve inverts with short-run interest rates moving way up as compared to long-term interest rates.
In the second instance, the reverse can happen if the economy is starved of liquidity: the yield curve inverts with short-run interest rates moving way up as compared to long-term interest rates.