The thought of Interest rate Spread Risk management can change principles of management and operation strategy for the life insurance company.
Meanwhile, changes in the local-foreign currency interest rate spread in 2007 and expectations of a RMB revaluation aggravated the disequilibrium in the balance of payments.
The continued strong depositors appetite for savings deposits in part reflected the narrowing of the interest rate spread between the short-term time deposit rate and the savings deposit rate.
The downgrade pushed up the interest-rate spread on ten-year Greek bonds to 2.5 percentage points over German Bunds, the safest euro-zone credit.
The second alarm is the widening in the spread between LIBOR and the relatively risk-free interest rate known as OIS (overnight indexed swap).
On November 1st, ten-year bonds were yielding 6.21% and the spread (or excess interest rate) over German government bonds was the highest since the euro area was created.
These interest-rate premiums are no small matter, especially if they spread to other nations' bonds.
The spread (excess interest rate) on high-yield corporate bonds has fallen from more than 16 percentage points at the start of 2009 to less than six points.
Since July 21st, when EU leaders cut the interest rate on the Irish bail-out, the spread between Irish and German ten-year bonds has shrunk by almost half.
The spread (excess interest rate) paid by high-yield borrowers is only around half a percentage point lower than it was at the height of the crunch.
What is the default spread and interest rate associated with this rating?
The interest rate level and the rate structure unreasonable mainly display in: The interest rate level is in the historical bottom, saves the loan spread to reduce unceasingly.
Lending MarginA spread that borrowers agree to pay above an agreed base rate of interest.
Is big to the interest rate sensitivity, matching is extremely unreasonable, the bank spread fluctuation is only big.
Capital flow is sensitive to interest rate and foreign exchange rate, a small spread may lead to large-scale currency conversion and arbitrage activities.
We said borrowing rates weren't likely to go up all that much. The spread between credit card rates and the Fed's interest rate was already quite large.
We said borrowing rates weren't likely to go up all that much. The spread between credit card rates and the Fed's interest rate was already quite large.