Root hairs feed from the surface particles, therefore the internal surface area has a great influence on plant food in the soil.
Another way to store hydrogen is to put something inside the tank which increases the total internal surface area to which the molecules of the gas can cling.
The natural zeolite has microcrystal structure with many holes and big internal surface area. It has good moisture absorption and removal function as well.
The reaction itself also takes place inside the nanotubes, which are hollow and have a large internal surface area thanks to their thin 20-nanometer-thick walls.
Catalyst activity was determined by not only specific surface area of catalyst but also the distributions of active center and utilization ratio of internal surface.
A completion component fabricated as a short section of heavy wall tubular with a machined internal surface that provides a seal area and a locking profile.
A completion component fabricated as a short section of heavy wall tubular with a machined internal surface that provides a seal area and a locking profile.