The project design combined grant funds with an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) loan to soften lending terms with the overarching objective of poverty reduction.
The International Monetary Fund says it will grant Hungary a standby loan of nearly $16 billion while the European Union has offered over $8 billion and the World Bank more than $1 billion.
Our example involves the fictional International Bank (INT Bank), which is undertaking a modernization effort of their loan application service through a services-oriented approach.
我们的示例中涉及到虚构的International Bank (INT Bank),该银行正在通过面向服务的方法对其贷款申请服务进行改进。
The heads of the European Union (EU), the European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund are assessing if Greece is meeting targets they imposed in exchange for a huge bailout loan.
As one of the most important international economic organizations, the World Bank never stipulate definitive choice - of - law provisions in all of its loan agreements.
Now, The level of our country commercial bank risk manage is widespread and lower, and the bad loan rate of whole bank system is higher, far higher than international warn line.
Bank appointed by members of an international lending syndicate to protect lenders' interests during the life of a loan.
Handling international and domestic settlement and corporate deposit under loan facilities provided by the Bank;
Handling international and domestic settlement and corporate deposit under loan facilities provided by the Bank;